Can you exercise after PRP injections?

Can you exercise after PRP injections

Are you getting PRP therapy soon and thinking about what will happen next? Or maybe you’re looking into regenerative therapies because you want to know how long it will take you to get better and be able to do your favorite exercise(s) and hobbies again.

No matter what, we’re looking forward to your journey to find the care you need to get your life back and get back to doing the things you love most. So, before you start your PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment, you should know when you can start working out again after your PRP injections. 

After treatment, it’s essential to do what your doctor tells you to do. So, Earth Remedies is here to tell you when you can do physical activities again at each stage of your recovery and make sure you heal well. 

Depending on the part of your body that received this musculoskeletal injection, your doctor may give you a different time frame. Let’s take a look at how your exercise can work below. 

Is PRP Effective?

Let’s know first if PRP is effective — not only for one — but for many people. The truth is that patients who get PRP injections find that they help ease their pain. The more active someone is, their tendons and joints will likely strain over time. Anybody can get hurt from stress.

So, how long will it take for me to get better?

How long it takes to recover from PRP Injections depends on the person. Most of the time, physical therapy appointments start about two weeks after the procedure. After only a few days, the tendon can be used more.

What can I do after I’ve been treated?

Many exercises can help after getting PRP injections. When you get injections for knee pain, it may be tempting to jump right back into your old workout routine. However, slowly increasing your workout routine is the best way to heal your body.

After the first week of treatment, the person can start doing simple exercises again. Yoga or lifting weights with little effort are best. By putting a sheet around one foot and gently straightening the leg, you can stretch your hamstrings and improve your range of motion. 

If the pain is sharp, it may be too much for the person to handle at this point in their recovery. So, putting a pillow between the knees and doing an exercise called pillow squeeze can help support the knees. 

The first couple of weeks

After getting a PRP injection, you should rest and not work out for the first week. At this point, the platelets are just starting to stick together in the right way. 

If you work out too much or stretch too much, the platelets might not stick together, making the injections useless. It would help if you didn’t work out right now.

Also, after the first week, you should stick to basic exercises like walking and doing other things you do every day. Again, you can do light workouts, like basic yoga or lifting a few pounds. It would be best if you didn’t do any exercises to put pressure on the joint. 

More pressure on the joint makes it less likely that the platelets will stay in place and heal the damaged tissue. So the injection site can fully close and heal, you should also avoid swimming and water sports.

Pain is joint, but ice and medicine prescribed by a doctor can help after the first week. Don’t take NSAIDs, which are also called anti-inflammatories. Besides, it needs to be inflamed for your body to use the PRP. If you are in a lot of pain, call your doctor immediately.

3–4 Weeks After Getting the Shot

At this point, the cells have stuck together and are making new tissues. Even though the process is still delicate, you may be able to make your workouts harder.

At this point, you can start doing light workouts without risk. You can do exercises like lifting weights, stretching, and cardio again as long as you do them less complicated. Keep staying away from anything that squeezes your joints. 

The joints that were injected should be squeezed as little as possible. If you do too much, you might have setbacks. Keep taking the painkillers and ice your doctor gave you, as they told you to. 

By the end of the first month, you may be able to use NSAIDs in small amounts, but keep taking the pain medicine your doctor has given you unless they tell you otherwise.

From the next month on

Two months after the injection, your new cells are busy rebuilding your tissues. It’s much safer to work out regularly. Still, start working out again slowly, and don’t push yourself so hard that it hurts.

At this point, you might be able to do exercises that put pressure on your joints, but be careful. Whenever you feel pain, you should take a break. Always be careful when you squeeze your joints together.

At this point in the healing process, you can use NSAIDs. The body doesn’t need inflammation as it did when the healing process started. You can also use ice, and it may be the best way to deal with any pain that is still there. 

But if you are in pain, talk to your doctor about it so you can find the best way to treat it. From start to finish, giving platelet-rich plasma injections is a very delicate process. 

After getting an injection, you must be careful and reduce the amount of physical activity you do until you feel better. If you do too much, the PRP cells won’t stick together right and won’t be able to rebuild your tissues. This will make the injection less effective.

Please pay attention to what your body tells you, especially when it hurts. Don’t push yourself during the first two weeks after the shot. After the first few weeks, you may be able to get back to your normal activities slowly. Remember that pain is your body’s way of slowing down.

Our doctors at Earth Remedies know a lot about PRP therapy and can answer any questions you may have about it. Set up a meeting with us immediately to find out how PRP injections can help you.

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Denise Manuel

HR/Spa Administrator

Denise has been in the HR and Administration field since the 1980’s and enjoys working with people from all walks of life. While Denise loves interacting with clients and staff, keeping things running behind the scenes is where Denise prefers to be, making sure that everything runs smoothly so that everyone has a great experience and can’t wait to return. She has an open-door policy, so please feel free to stop by even if it’s just to say hello!

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